Saturday, May 3, 2008

What to do when your dog is afraid of thunder storms.

Sping and Summer bring the THUNDER
Does your dog run and hide every time there is a thunder storm? Does he jump into your lap or lean against your leg at the first sign of rain? You may think this is cute but your dog is genuinely freaked out about storms. Many owners just tolerate these behaviors, like; hiding, shaking, barking, pacing and yes, sometimes peeing. In some cases dogs have been known to chew on furniture, rip up carpeting, break lamps and many other things. This mostly happens when the pet is home alone during a storm. My mother would always tell my dad that they need to return home because she didn‘t want the dogs to be scared.
Storm phobias are very common and many owners experience this behavioral problem with your dogs. Why this happens is unclear. Veterinarians and scientists that studies these cases think it may be linked to the fact that dogs seem to have a sixth sense about what is going on in the atmosphere. Some dogs will begin to show signs like running and barking before the storm hits. It is the sudden drop in air pressure?the wind blowing through the trees? the flash of lighting? or it is something entirely different that only dogs will sense?
How can you help your dog cope with this?
One thing is to comfort your dog. Talk to him in a upbeat tone of voice. Be happy, tell him it’s alright. Dogs may not understand the meaning of words, but they know the implication in the way you say it. Try playing with him, toss a toy, play tug, give him a treat, anything to take his mind off of the chaos that is going on outside.
2. Some dogs, if bad enough will even need some medication to cope with this. Your veterinarian can prescribe something to help take the edge off.
3. Be sure to provide your dog with a safe place to be during storms, Please not outside away from family. Dogs are companion animals and need to feel the safety of their human family. There has been dogs have gotten lost when they ran from their yards during a storm and that is a very sad situation for both you and the dog. Don’t crate him as this may make things worse. It would be like being trapped and scared all at the same time.
4. Some noise such as a TV or radio may help drown out the thunder. Play some fun music it helps you too.
5. Aromatherapy can also help with stress and anxiety from storms Try the herbs chamomile and lavender. You can buy this in the form of an essential oil or dry. With the oil, put 5-6 drops in some water and sprits around the room. The dry can be use in a simmering pot. There are both calming herbs that help soothe the senses and helps with sleep. I use this to help me relax and it will work the same on pet’s.

I pray you are able to help your pet overcome his anxiety about storms with these few tips. If you have any others that you have tried and work, please let me know about them.

1 comment:

  1. good advice. I must try the aromatherapy on my dog who is afraid. I had never thought about that.
