Monday, November 10, 2008

Poodles wake up to the First Snow of the Season

The dogs really love to play in the snow and have a good time......

The truly bad part of it is when the snow that cakes to the hair. I don't mess around trying to brush off the snow when it's this bad, I just put them into the tub and melt the snow off with warm water. In the winter when most owners are telling me to leave their dogs hair a little longer, I do just the opposite with my own. This week the brother's poodle will be clipped short on the legs, chest and belly. I will sculpt their bodies in a way that it won't like to odd. It is hard in these parts of the country when the snow, ice and frigid weather hits, dealing with deicing two standard poodles 5-6 times a day is to much work even for a groomer like me. Besides, these two guys a spoiled house dogs not iditarod sled dogs, so off with the hair.

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