Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stop Puppy Mills

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Please log onto Dogster and voice your concerns about Puppy Mills. One of America's largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation's largest retail supporter of puppy mills. Shame on them for selling these poor little puppies. It bad enough that there are people out there producing pups litter after litter to make a buck. The Humane Society of the United States conducted an eight-month long investigation that reveals that many Petland stores across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers. Dogs have been known to bring home Kennel Cough, which is a term commonly applied to an upper respiratory problem in dogs in the United States. This condition has now become known as tracheobronchitis, canine infectious tracheobronchitis, Bordetellosis, or Bordetella. It is highly contagious in dogs and is passed on to others when put in contact of each other, example: puppies from different puppy mill breeders and then brought into your home with other dogs. There are many more diseases that puppy mill pups can have along with mental problems and behavioral issues. The most important thing is stopping stores from selling these dogs. If people stop buying puppies from pet shops that are known for selling puppy mills dogs, they will stop supplying them. Christmas is coming so please don't buy a puppy from one of these chain stores. We all can become tempted to "rescue" these adorable little guys, so if you have purchased a cute little puppy from them, I don't want you to feel you are the (bad person) here. Hopefully your puppy is healthy, loving and smart. To insure you are giving them a helping hand in nutrition, feed a good quality pet food and a wonderful supplement. Check out the one's I highly recommend.
Life's Abundance food
Flint River Ranch food
NuVet Plus supplement

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