No longer available - Order NuVet Now and request a sample of one of my holistic pet food samples.
I am one that believes that if you are given the chance to sample a product that interests you, chances are you will buy it. I am so confident about these products that I give them to my own dogs and that is why when you know a good thing, you Share It.
Free sample - Receive one NuVet Plus wafer along with helpful, insightful information on getting your dog on the path to good health.
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Life’s Abundance Dog & Cat Food - Try a Free Sample just pay small shipping charge. Go Pips Choice Flint River Ranch
Sampling of Flint River Ranch’s cat and dog formulas - will contain various samples of Original Dog Kibble; Senior PLUS Kibble; Lamb Meal, Millet and Rice, Fish & Chip and Nugget Formulas, Original Cat & Kitten Formula.Cat formula is 3oz. net weight; Dog formulas are 4oz. net weight samples. Or Choose one variety of your choice for $7.50 Go to: FRR Online
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