Monday, April 27, 2009

Flint River Ranch Pet Food

My love for pets started at an early age. Having been around animals all my life, it only made sense that I would spend my adult years in the pet professional field. I became a pet groomer in 1992 and opened my own grooming business in 2002. I began studying dog diet and nutrition and after months of research I discovered Flint River Ranch foods and became a distributor in 2005. Pets are just like family members. Their welfare is important. However, they cannot take care of themselves. They depend on us for food, shelter, medical attention and affection. They give us so much love and in return it is our responsibility to give back to them. One important way is to feed them the best possible food and that I believe, is Flint River Ranch. My own dogs, two standard poodles, love it and I know yours will to. Try a bag, your pet will love you for it.

For New Customers: Your distibutor's FRR # is 120855. Please enter it in the referral field when setting up your new account.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bichon Puppy Portrait

There is nothing more cute than a puppy, most will agree with me I'm sure. A puppy surrounded by springtime flowers makes the portrait sweeter.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sample of Flint River Ranch Pet Food

Email to request a sample of Flint River Ranch All Natural Dog Food.
Please put FRR sample in the subject line.
I will need your name, address, telephone number, and please tell me why you would like to try Flint River Ranch and a little about your dog.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

For New Enrollment in a Home Pet Food Business Free Sign up

Hello, so you want to sign up to have your very own home-based pet food business? Great!! Click on this link
FRR Associate Enrollment Form. This will go to my email - just ask to be sent a Enrollment Form and I will get one right out to you.
This page was created to help people that have been asking "How do I start?" This is Flint River Ranch - an All natural pet food that is delivered right to your customers front door, so No need to handle any product.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from Spotts Grooming Parlor

Timeless Easter Messages from Billy & Franklin Graham
From Billy Graham: We worship a risen, living Savior who has promised to give immortality to all who believe on His name. No longer do men and women need to stumble in the fog and darkness of hopelessness. A Light shines brighter than the noonday sun, offering hope to everyone who has been born again. Jesus promised, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:25–26).Long ago Job asked the great question of the ages: “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14). We expect death, but we always have a glimmer of hope that medical science will discover something that will keep us alive a little longer. Death carries with it a certain dread. It has always been the enemy, the great, mysterious monster that makes people quake with fear.The Bible always links sin with death, saying, “the sting of death is sin” (1 Corinthians 15:56). The Bible also says that “through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12).Death stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Death is no respecter of race, color or creed. Its shadow haunts us day and night. We never know when the moment of death will come for us.Is there any hope? Is there a possibility of immortality?I take you to an empty tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea. Mary, Mary Magdalene and Salome had come to anoint the body of the crucified Christ, and they had been startled to find the tomb empty. An angel sat on the stone by the door of the tomb and said, “I know that you seek Jesus. … He is not here; for He is risen” (Matthew 28:5–6).Billy Graham shares the Gospel from the site of the tomb in Jerusalem in 1960:The greatest news that mortal ear has ever heard is the news that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, as He had promised. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the chief proof of the Christian faith. It is the truth that lies at the very foundation of the Gospel. Other doctrines of the Christian faith may be important, but the resurrection is essential. Without a belief in the resurrection there can be no personal salvation. The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).In the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have the answer to Job’s question. The Bible teaches that because Christ lives, we also shall live. The greatest truth that you can ever hear is that Jesus Christ died but rose again, and that you, too, will die but can rise again into newness of life.The Bible teaches the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not a spiritual resurrection, as some would have us believe. God raised Jesus’ very body from the dead, and someday we will see Him.The resurrected Christ still lives today, in a different but very real sense—nside the heart of every true believer. Though Jesus is in His glorified body in Heaven, through the Holy Spirit He dwells in the heart of every Christian. The Scripture speaks of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Christ, in whom “dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9), lives within the hearts of people. This is a mystery that is beyond comprehension and yet is gloriously true.When we come to Jesus Christ, we bring everything that we have. Our bodies with all their members, our faculties, our talents, our time, our money, our possessions, our hearts, our will—are all His. Our faces become the faces in which the resurrected Christ shows forth His beauty and His glory. Our eyes become the eyes of the resurrected Christ, to exhibit His sympathy and His tenderness. Our lips become the lips of the resurrected Christ, to speak His messages. Our ears become the ears of the resurrected Christ, sensitive to every cry of spiritual need. Our minds become the mind of the resurrected Christ, instruments for the realization of His purpose. Our hands become the hands of the resurrected Christ, to act on His impulse and allow Him to work through us. Our feet tread the narrow path that the Savior trod, keeping in step with Him throughout our earthly pilgrimage.Allow the resurrected Christ to allocate your time as His own; to control your money as His own; to energize your talents, your zeal and your ability with His resurrected life; to have complete right of way throughout your being. He does not want an apartment in your house. He claims your entire home, from attic to cellar.Not only does the resurrection give us hope of immortality but it also provides Life with a capital “L” here and now. Before the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit came upon individuals only on certain occasions for special tasks. But now, after the resurrection, Christ through the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of every believer to give us supernatural power in living our daily lives. The Scripture says that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead on the first Easter will raise us from the dead if the Spirit lives in us. Call upon His resources. His grace is more than sufficient; He will cause you to triumph over the world, the flesh and the devil.Give Your Life to Jesus this EasterSome of you do not know the power of the resurrected Christ. You have never knelt at the foot of the cross and had your sins forgiven. On that first Good Friday, Jesus Christ died on the cross in your place. He took your judgment, your sin, your death. Scripture teaches, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). The Bible says, “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin” (Cf. 1 John 1:7).On the third day Jesus was raised from the dead. That fact is a guarantee that the atoning work of Christ on the cross was acceptable to God in your place. Now you need to receive Him and to believe in Him. God says that He will clothe you in His righteousness. Everyone can know the power of the resurrected Christ. If you will put your trust in Him by faith, Jesus Christ will go with you through disappointments, tragedies and trials—through all the circumstances of life.What a glorious thing it would be this Easter to give your life to Christ, to let the resurrected Christ come to dwell in your heart and give you supernatural power to meet the problems of the day! So many people are confused, lonely, discouraged. Give your life to Christ. Let Him transform your life so that you will have a glow on your face, a spring in your step and joy in your soul. First, you need to renounce your sins. Second, by faith receive Him as your Savior. Will you ask the resurrected Christ to come live in your heart today?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Cockapoo

Here is Hubble, he is a Cocker Poodle mix. Hubble is portraying The Easter Bunny. He was bathed, his hair was clipped shorter and now he is ready for Easter Sunday. Looks like Hubble laid an egg!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brushing Your Dog With The Correct Brush

Spring is here, finally!!! It is so nice when you can go outside with your dog and spend some together time in the sun. What better way than grabbing your dog brush and giving him a good brushing. But,
did you know that there are different brushes for different hair/coat types? Well there is and I am going to tell you. First, Why brush? Brushing the hair is just not for the beauty it, it also serves several other significant purposes; cleaning the hair shaft, massaging the skin and stimulating the release of a valuable oil called sebum. Sebum is released by the sebaceous gland at the base of the hair follicle. Brushing the coat cleans the hair shaft, follicle, and skin by removing trapped dead skin cells, dirt, and oils. Brushing also distributes the sebum, coating, lubricating, and protecting the hair shaft resulting in a healthy, shiny coat.Pin brush: This style is especially effective on long and full coated breeds. The stainless-steel pins are durable and outlast the plastic type. Anti-static pin brush: perfect of dogs that have fine, flyway hair.Slicker Brush: These brushes have a curved head and fairly stiff pins, they are ideal for dematting. Soft slickers have a curved back and softer pins, ideal for delicate coats.All System brush: These are slicker brushes with long pins to safely remove the undercoat without damaging the top coat.Rubber brush: Use during bathing to remove loose hair, massage skin. Ideal for short, medium and double-coated dogs and cats. Boar Bristle brush: These help distribute skin's natural oils (Sebum) though the coat to enhance shine.
Have fun with your dog.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NuVet Supplements For Dog

I want to personally welcome you to the world of NuVet Plus. There are so many people searching for a better way to keep their pet's healthy. Not only does this make for a better, happier, healthier pet, but you can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on just one major vet bill. I have customers that are always saying they need to take Fluffy in to have this or that checked. I think to myself, "there is $45.00 or more in an office visit." Read the testimonials and see for yourself how NuVet Plus has helped countless pet owner's get their pet's back to good health. You can order right from their website or call if you prefer and your supplements will be shipped in most cases the same day. Just click on the picture. Here's to your pet's health! You will need to give this order code 42299 as Nuvet Labs does not sell to the general public.
Soothing Mist
Many pets suffer from a variety of persistent skin ailments. And when they repeatedly scratch or bite themselves, superficial problems can become more serious, possibly even requiring medical attention. That’s why HealthyPetNet developed Soothing Mist, to help relieve minor irritations and to promote skin health. This spray is chock full of nutrients (including vitamin C, zinc and pro-vitamin B5) that help nourish, beautify and protect skin. With its calming blend of pure flower and plant extracts, this formula is suitable for dogs and cats over 12 weeks of age. And because it has not alcohol, this gentle formula won’t sting like other topical skin products. To order go click on Pet Care For Dogs

Clay Essentials for healthy skin (for you not your dog)

Exfoliates dull, tired skin for a fresher, healthier look. Removes impurities trapped deep within the pores. Improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and age spots.
Minimizes the look of unsightly cellulite and stretch marks
Tightens, tones and lifts the skin for a more youthful appearance
Dramatically yet gently improves blemishes and problem skin
Ideal for women, men and teenagers and all skin types
Flawless Positively Radiant, Fresh, See Head-Turning Results After Just One Use
Ask for a free sample today. Click Here

Friday, April 3, 2009

Corgis that eat Flint River Ranch All Natural Pet Food

This is a wonderful portrait taken by Terry Ann Photography. Terry writes "Finally got around to sending you this portrait of our two corgis! Aren't they cute?? I am ordering more food today. They would eat an entire bag in a day if we let them!"
Yes Terry, they are cute!!! The food that these adorable dogs love to eat is Flint River Ranch Puppy/Adult formula and Senior Dog. To order Flint River Ranch for your dog, log onto WWW.FRRCO.COM/120855 Always Free Shipping!!!