Sunday, August 16, 2009

Looking For a Pet Sitter

Here are some things to look for in a pet sitter.
When looking for a professional pet sitter to hire, there are some important things to consider. If you are going to be hiring someone to care for your pets while you're gone, it can be a bit stressful. If you are prepared and know what to ask, it will be easy to find just the right person and here's how.
  1. The pet sitter should present himself or herself in a professional manner.
  2. He or she should give you his or her undivided attention, be courteous, interested and well informed.
  3. Your pet sitter should have liability insurance.
  4. The pet sitter provides a service contract, and goes over specific services and fees.
  5. Your pets' reactions to the pet sitter. They need to be comfortable with whoever comes into your home to care for them.
  6. In case your pet has a health emergency, does the pet sitter have a list of emergency veterinarians in case yours is unavailable?
  7. Is the pet sitter knowledgeable about general pet issues, pet first aid, and current concerns (i.e. pet food recalls)?

These things will help you know who is right for the job. Here is one I recommend here in Northeast Ohio Look for these examples in finding your Pet Sitter!

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