Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dog Food Analysis Part 2

Dog Food Analysis Website Comments Brown rice is a good quality grain, but potato product is filler. We are also concerned to see chicken fat as the fourth ingredient in the food. Research at Purdue University has shown a fat in the top four ingredients of dry dog food to be a factor that increases the risk of bloat in large breed dogs. Smaller breeds are untested.

HealthyPetNet findings Potato product is a filler? First, what is your definition of filler? Second, what is your definition (or preconceived idea) of potato product? Potato Product is the legal term that is mandated by AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials). Although it may sound bad, it is the only term you can use if you care to abide by the law. Many pet food create their own terminology and in doing so, they fall out of compliance with AAFCO. Of course, the penalties are small so it happens quite frequently. This non-compliance makes the pet food maker the final authority on what is in their pet food. There is no way to check with another authority. In other words, if I choose to say 'Fresh Idaho Potato's' (instead of the AAFCO term 'Potato Product'), what does that really mean? The pet food maker now becomes the final authority and defines it any way they see fit. HealthyPetNet is interested in being transparent and in being legal. By the way, even though we have spent much time explaining Potato Product, we no longer use it in our formula. This was done almost 1 year ago (along with some other changes) but the analysis website hasn't updated it's information to reflect this. Incidentally, Potato product was removed to help eliminate this type of argument. However, it was used successfully for 9 years prior without any problems. I am not aware of the Purdue study which states that using fat in the first 4 ingredients causes bloat in large breeds. I do know, however, that many large breed dog breeders are using Life's Abundance dog food with fantastic results. Again, this goes back to ethics. If this were a real problem, an ethical company would change it's formula to keep up with the science, including us.

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