Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Ask Dr. Jane" Formulator of Life's Abundance Holistic Pet Food

Conference Call Reminder
Wednesday, January 6th at 8:30 p.m. EST

The winter holiday season has come to a close, but its sumptuous meals and treats have left their mark on many of our waistlines ... including those of our pet's!

To help you effectively plot a healthy course for your companion animal in 2010, please join us tomorrow night when our very own Product Formulator, Dr. Jane Bicks, DVM, will share her secrets for shedding unwanted pounds in a healthy and responsible way.

As always, Dr. Jane will also devote some time to answering any questions you may have, too.

Wednesday night’s call promises to be jam-packed with great dietary information, so make your plans now to join in. Who knows? What you will learn may just be exactly what you need to know to improve the health of your companion animals.

PLEASE NOTE: To participate, dial (218) 844-0860 and enter pass code 626116# after the prompt. Once you join the call, please follow the moderator's directions to reduce background noise, so that everyone can hear Dr. Jane clearly.

Please remember, Dr. Jane cannot legally advocate any treatment by phone or by email. We ask that you please refrain from asking Dr. Jane any diagnostic questions. If you have condition-specific questions about companion animals, either real or hypothetical, we strongly urge you to seek the medical advice and attention of your veterinarian.
If you like what you hear then go to my Life's Abundance website to order or if you are interested in making this a new income endeavor email me at info@spottsgrooming.com and I can tell you how.

Trilogy/HealthyPetNet - Palm City, Florida 34990 - 877-387-4564 #40056360

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