Tear staining results when the tear duct becomes clogged and eye fluid, which can no longer drain through the nose, begins to dry and crust around the eyes and face. Clogged tear ducts occur due to two factors- physical irritants and physiological predisposition. Physical irritants include dirt, dust, and occasionally parasites such as fleas. A multitude of other particles can physically block the tear duct, while a blockage can also occur due to allergies. Many breeds, however, are physiologically predisposed to blocked tear ducts. This genetic eye construction is common among smaller breeds including Maltese, Cocker Spaniels, Bichon Frise, and Chihuahuas. Long haired breeds such as Lhasa Apsos and Sheepdogs also tend to suffer from tear staining as hair hangs into the eyes causing scratching and irritation.
Teething puppies may also suffer from tear staining, which is common, as constant chewing increases eye fluid production and also puts pressure on the tear ducts causing them to close. As puppies mature, the problem typically resolves itself.
Symptoms of tear staining include highly visible brown staining of the fur and a crust surrounding the eyes. Other behavioral symptoms include constant pawing or rubbing of the face and can be accompanied by redness and yellow/green discharge if the tear ducts have become infected due to blockage. Yeast infections may occur and are characterized by redness and swelling around the eyes, itching, and a yellowish discharge that will have an unpleasant odor. Other symptoms are fleas which may block the tear ducts, or teething particularly among puppies.
While tear staining issues are mostly cosmetic, if left untreated tear staining can result in severe and costly infections. Infections of the eye are extremely serious as they can lead to irreversible conditions such as blindness or cataracts. Scratching of the eyes due to irritation can also pose issues including lacerations of the eye or the spread of infection. It is important to treat tear staining as soon as possible to prevent further complications.
Proper hygiene is important particularly if your dog is predisposed to tear staining. Proper grooming and trimming of the hair around the eyes and face will help to keep the area free of additional irritants. Other irritants, such as allergies, can be prevented by removing triggers from the environment. Household cleaners and chemicals tend to aggravate allergies and worsen problems such as tear staining.
In addition to regular grooming, proper nutrition is extremely helpful in preventing tear staining. A qualified diet consists of giving a high quality dog food and a vitamin supplement; both paramount to your dog’s immune system. Feed your dog food that isn’t filled with grains and “meat by-products”- this will have multiple benefits, including stopping allergies which irritate the eyes. But dog food alone isn’t enough; supplementation is a vital component to keeping your dog healthy. Giving a high quality supplement can help boost internal defenses and provide nutrition for blood, bones and skin.
Fundamentally, the first line of any remedy is to ensure your dog has a proper diet and balanced nutrition. Providing good food that is full of quality protein and low on grains, corn, and “meat by-products” will ensure a healthy digestive system and strong immune system. Supplementing your dog’s diet with a vitamin supplement engineered to support vital organs will prevent the damaging effects of free radicals and aid in the treatment of tear staining and its causes.
As with any vitamin and nutritional supplement, the quality of ingredients in combination with the manufacturing process determines how effective it will be for your pet. NuVet Plus® contains quality Calcium and Blue Green Algae, a source of protein and chlorophyll. It also includes a full range of amino acids, such as L Methionine- essential to help detoxify the blood stream. Keeping the bloodstream clean allows red blood cells to carry nutrients vital in defending against infectious tear staining.
As every dog is different, results will vary based on a number of factors including genetics, environment, and severity of the condition being treated.
At NuVet Labs®, we combine the finest human-grade ingredients and manufacturing operations approved for human products by the FDA. The end result is the finest supplement for your dog – one that will boost your dog’s immune system, enabling them to more effectively combat their tear stains.
NuVet Plus® is 100% guaranteed for purity, safety, and effectiveness. As one of the oldest and most respected companies in the pet industry, NuVet Labs® pledges that our NuVet Plus® product will eliminate or dramatically reduce your dog’s tear staining within 60 days, or we’ll refund your purchase.
Please refer to our Guarantee for further details. See Here and Order Now
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