After groom |
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Meet little Posy. She is only 4 months young. Today at the grooming parlor she was giving a bath using
Life's Abundance Revitalizing Shampoo for Dogs & Cats This is a great way to p
amper your precious pet. The revitalizing botanical infusion of organic rosemary and sage along with nourishing essences of coconut and palm kernel oil will naturally cleanse and beautify your pet’s coat as the luscious scents of mango and kiwi mingle with energizing citrus notes to bring out natural shine. Its moisture activated odor-fighters react immediately to absorb and neutralize tough pet odors.
She was fluffed dried and clipped to a manageable length for easy care.
Her face and feet were gently shaved and top knot trimmed.
As for all poodles: small, medium or large - they need to be groomed every 4 - 6 weeks to keep skin and coat in great condition. Feeding a healthy food is vitally important as well.
Visit our healthy food for pets website
The hair cut is really cute. I think I just saw Bob Marley here.