Friday, July 15, 2016

MSM as a Supplement for Dogs with * joint pain, * arthritis, * poor digestion, * dull coat and skin issues

Facts about MSM and why it is important to many dogs as an added supplement to their diet.

Please Note:  Not every dog needs a MSM supplement if they are given a properly-balanced, natural raw diet (organic is best, but not always possible) MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) supplements can be used to help treat arthritis, joint problems, allergies or hip dysplasia. Dogs that are given a typical commercial pet food should be given supplemental MSM since MSM is easily destroyed with cooking or during food storage. When choosing processed foods, look for those that are cooked using a low temperature cooking such as 
So What Is MSM anyway?
MSM is the abbreviation for methyl-sulfonyl-methane which is a naturally occurring sulfur compound produced by sea plankton and found naturally in such foods as meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood (e.g. kelp) and cow’s milk. It evaporates quickly since it is extremely water soluble.
Sulfur is essential in the formation of amino acids, healthy skin, blood proteins and connective tissues. It is stored in almost every body cell with the highest concentrations found in nails, hair, joints, muscles, bones and skin.
The concentration of MSM in the body decreases as the body ages making MSM deficiencies part of the aging process. Low concentrations of MSM can result in:
  • organ 
  • tissue malfunctions
  • fatigue
  • psychological 
  • physical stress
Sulfur deficiency in dogs can produce joint pain, arthritis, poor digestion system, poor immune system, dull coat and skin problems.
Benefits of MSM
MSM is essential in maintaining and supporting healthy cells. MSM decreases the inner pressure of the cell and makes the cell walls permeable. Water and nutrients are able to flow into the cells while at the same time toxins flow out. Working synergistically (together enhancing each others’ function) with Vitamin C, MSM allows the body to rejuvenate cells, thereby maintaining a healthy level of cells.
Responsible for the flexible bonds between cells, it maintains healthy skin by enhancing tissue flexibility and promoting the repair of damaged skin cells. Working as an antioxidant, MSM helps clean the blood stream by flushing toxins from the cells. It acts as a “scavenger” of foreign proteins and free radicals, helping to eliminate toxins through the skin thus reducing the burden on the liver and kidneys. Allergens can be eliminated from the body more quickly, which in turn helps to reduce allergy symptoms.
The most important function of MSM is to relieve pain and inflammation. Inflammation causes cells to swell, producing pressure and pain. MSM allows fluids to pass through tissues more easily, thus equalizing pressure and reducing or even eliminating the cause of pain.
MSM Supplements
MSM supplements can help dogs with:
  • Maintenance of healthy coat and skin
  • Relief and/or reduction of some allergy symptoms
  • Support of joint and connective tissues
  • Relief of pain from hip dysplasia, arthritis or other joint problems

MSM acts as an anti-parasitic against roundworms, giardia and other intestinal worms by competing for the receptor sites on the mucous membranes of the intestines, robbing the parasites of places to attach themselves, which then are flushed out of the digestive system naturally.
Now that you have learned the importance of adding MSM to your dog's diet,
here is the best supplement that contains this vital ingredient NuJoint DS.  
Why choose NuVet Lab products?  NuVet products are made in a FDA registered laboratory with natural, human-grade ingredients specially compounded to deliver the most effective nutritional health benefits. Utilizing the latest advances in medical and nutritional science, we apply state of the art manufacturing technologies to help us maintain a standard of product quality and integrity that is virtually unheard of in the pet industry.
Not sold in stores so this order code must be use on line and when calling 1-800-474-4-7044 

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