Monday, February 9, 2015

IQ Test of Dogs

Test One: Food Under Container
Items you’ll need:
  1. An empty Tupperware container.
  2. A small treat your dog loves.
  3. A timing device.
  1. Tell your dog to sit. If he won’t stay put, you’ll need someone to gently hold him by the collar.
  2. Show your dog the treat, giving him plenty of time to smell its aroma.
  3. With your dog’s full attention, slowly place the treat on the ground a few feet away. Quickly cover
    the treat with the inverted container.
  4. Start the timer. Be sure to encourage your dog to find the treat.
Circle the corresponding score as follows:
If your dog knocks over the container over and finds the food in 5 seconds or less ....................... 5 points Between 5-15 seconds.................................................................................................................... 4 points Between 15-30 seconds.................................................................................................................. 3 points Between 30-60 seconds.................................................................................................................. 2 points If your dog sniffs around but doesn’t actually get the food............................................................... 1 point
Test One Score: _______ 

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