Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yorkshire Terrier

Basic grooming needs for a Yorkie.....

Moderately High maintenance groom

Full Grooming 4-6 weeks

Tools used: Slicker brush, pin brush for long coat, metal combs, matt rake or comb, scissors, clippers and blades, nail clippers & file, gentle shampoo & conditioner, finishing coat spray

The Yorkshire Terrier has a coat that continuously grows. The hair is glossy, fine and silky in texture. This coat sheds little to no hair which makes this dog a good pet for people with allergies. Daily brushing is needed to keep mats from forming in the coat. The hair on the head is usually pulled up in a topknot to keep it out of the eyes. Most pet owners prefer to have the hair on the head in a short trim, this keeps the hair out of the eyes until it grows back. Short all over or smoothie as I like to call it, is best for owners that do not have the time to brush daily. The teeth need regular cleaning using a small pet tooth brush and paste to keep them and the gums healthy.

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