Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grooming The Shetland Sheepdog

Regular brushing and combing is a must for the Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie as most will call them. It is essential for removing the dead hair that does not shed out of the coat. The density of the hair is so much that most owners do not brush all the way down to the skin which leads to matting. In fact, it can become so matted that a groomer has no choice but to shave the coat off. This breed is best groomed by thoroughly brushing and combing out before the bath. Then use a shampoo especially formulated to shed out hair. Fluff-drying the last bit of wetness and combing the hair once again to removing any last tangles makes for a beautiful coat.

Tools to use are:
Slicker & pin brushes, mat or undercoat rake and splitter, metal combs, thinning shears, scissors, clippers and blades.

Full Grooming should be done every 4- 6 weeks. This includes nail trimming and ear cleaning along with any trimming. Some owners like to have the butt end shaved or scissored just a bit shorter to keep poo from sticking on the hair.

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